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Dictionary Gàidhlig

News – coronavirus

Intermediate (B1) - Fichead Facal (20 words)

Learn Gaelic words and phrases about the coronavirus. Here’s a list of words that are really useful about the disease.

Twenty Words is integrated with the dictionary. Choose any word in the Gaelic column and the dictionary will open and you will see the gender of the Gaelic word.

This page is about the coronavirus. The vocabulary on this page is slightly more advanced than other pages in Fichead Facal (Twenty words). These words were supplied by BBC Naidheachdan (BBC News) and this is the vocabulary they use in their stories.

English Gàidhlig  
the coronavirus an coròna-bhìoras <))
intensive care unit ionad dlùth chùraim <))
hospital ospadal <))
Local Authority Ùghdarras Ionadail <))
Health Board Bòrd Slàinte <))
NHS Seirbheis na Slàinte <))
disease galar <))
virus bhìoras <))
symptoms comharran <))
care cùram <))
treatment leigheas <))
oxygen ocsaidean <))
ventilator analadair <))
vulnerable so-leònta <))
resources, facilities goireasan <))
furlough fòrladh <))
PPE (personal protective equipment) aodach is uidheamachd dìon <))
tests deuchainnean <))
test sgrùdadh <))
blood test deuchainn fala <))
social distance astar sòisealta <))
spread sgapadh <))

Our intention with this page is to offer some support when the learner is watching An Là on BBC ALBA, listening to the news on Aithris na Maidne (The Morning Report), and Aithris an Fheasgair (The Afternoon Report), on Radio nan Gàidheal, and visiting the pages of BBC Naidheachdan (BBC News).