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- Lesson 15
Cutlery and crockery
Cutlery and crockery
In this lesson you'll learn words to describe the cutlery and crockery in your home, whether it is a knife, fork and spoon, or a plate, cup and saucer.

Grammar Note
Forca is grammatically feminine, so the article is an, i.e. an fhorca.
For masculine words beginning f it's am, e.g. am fitheach - the raven.
an sgian
the knife
an fhorca
the fork
an spàin
the spoon
an truinnsear
the plate
an cupa
the cup
an sàsar
the saucer
Making sentences
You’ve learnt some new vocabulary, now it’s time to make sentences.
But first you'll need to know how to ask questions using is, isn't and where is.

Càit a bheil an sgian?
Where is the knife?
Càit a bheil an fhorca?
Where is the fork?
Càit a bheil an spàin?
Where is the spoon?
Càit a bheil an truinnsear?
Where is the plate?
Càit a bheil an cupa?
Where is the cup?
Càit a bheil an sàsar?
Where is the saucer?
Making sentences
Now you know how to describe cutlery and crockery let’s see if you can understand these sentences.
Each sentence contains the new words you have learnt put together in different ways. It also revises vocabulary from previous lessons.

A bheil an sgian air a' bhòrd?
Is the knife on the table?
Nach eil forca ghlan sa bhogsa?
Isn't there a clean fork in the box?
Tha cupa agus sàsar salach air a' bhòrd.
There's a dirty cup and saucer on the table.
A bheil spàin san t-siùcar?
Is there a spoon in the sugar?
Chan eil tì sam bith sa chupa sin.
There's no tea in that cup.
Nach eil bainne san tì sin?
Isn't there milk in that tea?
Time to talk!
Great! You’ve learnt how to talk about cutlery and crockery and you know how to ask for what you want at the dinner table!
Now see if you can understand this conversation between Morag, Iain and Mairi.

Mòrag: Seall, Iain, tha an spàin sa chupa!
Iain: Ò tha, gabh mo leisgeul.
Mòrag: Tapadh leat. Is math a rinn thu.
Màiri: Nach eil mise math cuideachd, a mhamaidh?
Mòrag: Tha thu a' dèanamh math dha-rìribh, ach càit a bheil do sgian?
Màiri: Tha i na mo làimh.
Mòrag: Ò tha, siuthadaibh, ithibh ur biadh.
Extra Vocabulary
sa chupa
in the cup
gabh mo leisgeul
excuse me / sorry
Is math a rinn thu.
Well done.
math dha-rìribh
very good / really good
go on now (plural form)
Gaelic transcript
MÒRAG: Seall, Iain, tha an spàin sa chupa!
IAIN: Ò tha, gabh mo leisgeul.
MÒRAG: Tapadh leat. Is math a rinn thu.
MÀIRI: Nach eil mise math cuideachd, a mhamaidh?
MÒRAG: Tha thu a' dèanamh math dha-rìribh, ach càit a bheil do sgian?
MÀIRI: Tha i na mo làimh.
MÒRAG: Ò tha, siuthadaibh, ithibh ur biadh.
English transcript
MORAG: Look, Iain, the spoon is in the cup.
IAIN: Oh, so it is, excuse me.
MORAG: Thank you. Well done.
MAIRI: Amn't I good as well, mummy?
MORAG: You're doing very well, but where's your knife?
MAIRI: It's in my hand.
MORAG: Oh yes, go on now, eat your food.
Time to talk!
Now you'll try Morag's role.
The text you should speak will be highlighted in pink.

Mòrag: Seall, Iain, tha an spàin sa chupa!
Iain: Ò tha, gabh mo leisgeul.
Mòrag: Tapadh leat. Is math a rinn thu.
Màiri: Nach eil mise math cuideachd, a mhamaidh?
Mòrag: Tha thu a' dèanamh math dha-rìribh, ach càit a bheil do sgian?
Màiri: Tha i na mo làimh.
Mòrag: Ò tha, siuthadaibh, ithibh ur biadh.
What’s this?
You may find the gap left in the audio for ”your” line is not long enough. Use this control to increase the delay by a set number of seconds. For example, leaving it at zero (the default) will result in the gap being the same length as the audio was in the original dialog. Setting it to ‘2’ will make the gap two seconds longer, and so on.
Extra Vocabulary
sa chupa
in the cup
gabh mo leisgeul
excuse me / sorry
Is math a rinn thu.
Well done.
math dha-rìribh
very good / really good
go on now (plural form)
Gaelic transcript
MÒRAG: Seall, Iain, tha an spàin sa chupa!
IAIN: Ò tha, gabh mo leisgeul.
MÒRAG: Tapadh leat. Is math a rinn thu.
MÀIRI: Nach eil mise math cuideachd, a mhamaidh?
MÒRAG: Tha thu a' dèanamh math dha-rìribh, ach càit a bheil do sgian?
MÀIRI: Tha i na mo làimh.
MÒRAG: Ò tha, siuthadaibh, ithibh ur biadh.
English transcript
MORAG: Look, Iain, the spoon is in the cup.
IAIN: Oh, so it is, excuse me.
MORAG: Thank you. Well done.
MAIRI: Amn't I good as well, mummy?
MORAG: You're doing very well, but where's your knife?
MAIRI: It's in my hand.
MORAG: Oh yes, go on now, eat your food.
Mòrag: Seall, Iain, tha an spàin sa chupa!
Iain: Ò tha, gabh mo leisgeul.
Mòrag: Tapadh leat. Is math a rinn thu.
Màiri: Nach eil mise math cuideachd, a mhamaidh?
Mòrag: Tha thu a' dèanamh math dha-rìribh, ach càit a bheil do sgian?
Màiri: Tha i na mo làimh.
Mòrag: Ò tha, siuthadaibh, ithibh ur biadh.
What’s this?
You may find the gap left in the audio for ”your” line is not long enough. Use this control to increase the delay by a set number of seconds. For example, leaving it at zero (the default) will result in the gap being the same length as the audio was in the original dialog. Setting it to ‘2’ will make the gap two seconds longer, and so on.
Extra Vocabulary
sa chupa
in the cup
gabh mo leisgeul
excuse me / sorry
Is math a rinn thu.
Well done.
math dha-rìribh
very good / really good
go on now (plural form)
Gaelic transcript
MÒRAG: Seall, Iain, tha an spàin sa chupa!
IAIN: Ò tha, gabh mo leisgeul.
MÒRAG: Tapadh leat. Is math a rinn thu.
MÀIRI: Nach eil mise math cuideachd, a mhamaidh?
MÒRAG: Tha thu a' dèanamh math dha-rìribh, ach càit a bheil do sgian?
MÀIRI: Tha i na mo làimh.
MÒRAG: Ò tha, siuthadaibh, ithibh ur biadh.
English transcript
MORAG: Look, Iain, the spoon is in the cup.
IAIN: Oh, so it is, excuse me.
MORAG: Thank you. Well done.
MAIRI: Amn't I good as well, mummy?
MORAG: You're doing very well, but where's your knife?
MAIRI: It's in my hand.
MORAG: Oh yes, go on now, eat your food.
Mòrag: Seall, Iain, tha an spàin sa chupa!
Iain: Ò tha, gabh mo leisgeul.
Mòrag: Tapadh leat. Is math a rinn thu.
Màiri: Nach eil mise math cuideachd, a mhamaidh?
Mòrag: Tha thu a' dèanamh math dha-rìribh, ach càit a bheil do sgian?
Màiri: Tha i na mo làimh.
Mòrag: Ò tha, siuthadaibh, ithibh ur biadh.
What’s this?
You may find the gap left in the audio for ”your” line is not long enough. Use this control to increase the delay by a set number of seconds. For example, leaving it at zero (the default) will result in the gap being the same length as the audio was in the original dialog. Setting it to ‘2’ will make the gap two seconds longer, and so on.
Extra Vocabulary
sa chupa
in the cup
gabh mo leisgeul
excuse me / sorry
Is math a rinn thu.
Well done.
math dha-rìribh
very good / really good
go on now (plural form)
Gaelic transcript
MÒRAG: Seall, Iain, tha an spàin sa chupa!
IAIN: Ò tha, gabh mo leisgeul.
MÒRAG: Tapadh leat. Is math a rinn thu.
MÀIRI: Nach eil mise math cuideachd, a mhamaidh?
MÒRAG: Tha thu a' dèanamh math dha-rìribh, ach càit a bheil do sgian?
MÀIRI: Tha i na mo làimh.
MÒRAG: Ò tha, siuthadaibh, ithibh ur biadh.
English transcript
MORAG: Look, Iain, the spoon is in the cup.
IAIN: Oh, so it is, excuse me.
MORAG: Thank you. Well done.
MAIRI: Amn't I good as well, mummy?
MORAG: You're doing very well, but where's your knife?
MAIRI: It's in my hand.
MORAG: Oh yes, go on now, eat your food.