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- Lesson 16
The past tense and more verbs
The past tense and more verbs
In this lesson you'll learn new verbs to describe actions, such as eating, drinking, running and playing.
You'll also learn how to put these verbs into the past tense by learning the words for he was and they were.

ag ithe
ag òl
a' falbh
going away
a' feitheamh
a' ruith
a' cluich
The past tense
In Gaelic putting sentences like I am drinking or he was eating into the past tense is very simple.
You simply change the Gaelic word for is into the Gaelic word for was. The verb doesn’t change! Easy peasy.

Making sentences
Now you can put was with these verbs and create sentences about the past!

Bha e ag ithe.
He was eating.
Bha e ag òl.
He was drinking.
Bha e a' falbh.
He was going away.
Bha e a' feitheamh.
He was waiting.
Bha e a' ruith.
He was running.
Bha e a' cluich.
He was playing.
Making sentences
Now you know some more verbs and how to talk about the past. So let’s see if you can understand some new sentences.
You'll see the new words you have learnt put together in different ways. And you'll revise words from previous lessons.

Grammar Note
A masculine noun like rathad, with the definite article, doesn't lenite the following adjective when it's nominal, e.g. an rathad salach.
However, when preceded by a preposition like air the adjective is (where possible) lenited, e.g. air an rathad shalach.
Bha iad ag òl tì.
They were drinking tea.
Bha thu a' ruith air an rathad shalach.
You were running on the dirty road.
Bha thu ag ithe siùcar?
You were eating sugar?
Cò bha ag obair an seo?
Who was working here?
Bha an tidsear ag èisteachd.
The teacher was listening.
Bha Màiri ag ionnsachadh aig an taigh.
Mairi was learning at home.
Time to talk!
Great! You’ve learnt six new verbs, as well as how to talk about things in the past tense.
Now see if you can understand this conversation between Morag and Mairi.

Mòrag: Fàilte, a Mhàiri. Chan eil Iain an seo fhathast.
Màiri: Tha e a' tighinn, ceart gu leòr.
Mòrag: Tha e a' cluich, 's dòcha.
Màiri: Chan eil, oir bha e a' ruith às mo dhèidh. Chì mi e a' tighinn a-nis.
Mòrag: 'S math sin. Seo, tha an dinnear deiseil.
Màiri: Tapadh leibh, a mhamaidh.
Extra Vocabulary
ceart gu leòr
right enough
's dòcha
perhaps / maybe
for / because
às mo dhèidh
after me
Gaelic transcript
MÒRAG: Fàilte, a Mhàiri. Chan eil Iain an seo fhathast.
MÀIRI: Tha e a' tighinn, ceart gu leòr.
MÒRAG: Tha e a' cluich, 's dòcha.
MÀIRI: Chan eil, oir bha e a' ruith às mo dhèidh. Chì mi e a' tighinn a-nis.
MÒRAG: 'S math sin. Seo, tha an dinnear deiseil.
MÀIRI: Tapadh leibh, a mhamaidh.
English transcript
MORAG: Welcome, Mairi. Iain isn't here yet.
MAIRI: He is coming, right enough.
MORAG: He's playing, perhaps.
MAIRI: He's not, because he was running after me. I see him coming now.
MORAG: That's good. Here, dinner's ready.
MAIRI: Thank you mummy.
Time to talk!
Now you'll try Morag's role.
The text you should speak will be highlighted in pink.

Mòrag: Fàilte, a Mhàiri. Chan eil Iain an seo fhathast.
Màiri: Tha e a' tighinn, ceart gu leòr.
Mòrag: Tha e a' cluich, 's dòcha.
Màiri: Chan eil, oir bha e a' ruith às mo dhèidh. Chì mi e a' tighinn a-nis.
Mòrag: 'S math sin. Seo, tha an dinnear deiseil.
Màiri: Tapadh leibh, a mhamaidh.
What’s this?
You may find the gap left in the audio for ”your” line is not long enough. Use this control to increase the delay by a set number of seconds. For example, leaving it at zero (the default) will result in the gap being the same length as the audio was in the original dialog. Setting it to ‘2’ will make the gap two seconds longer, and so on.
Extra Vocabulary
ceart gu leòr
right enough
's dòcha
perhaps / maybe
for / because
às mo dhèidh
after me
Gaelic transcript
MÒRAG: Fàilte, a Mhàiri. Chan eil Iain an seo fhathast.
MÀIRI: Tha e a' tighinn, ceart gu leòr.
MÒRAG: Tha e a' cluich, 's dòcha.
MÀIRI: Chan eil, oir bha e a' ruith às mo dhèidh. Chì mi e a' tighinn a-nis.
MÒRAG: 'S math sin. Seo, tha an dinnear deiseil.
MÀIRI: Tapadh leibh, a mhamaidh.
English transcript
MORAG: Welcome, Mairi. Iain isn't here yet.
MAIRI: He is coming, right enough.
MORAG: He's playing, perhaps.
MAIRI: He's not, because he was running after me. I see him coming now.
MORAG: That's good. Here, dinner's ready.
MAIRI: Thank you mummy.
Mòrag: Fàilte, a Mhàiri. Chan eil Iain an seo fhathast.
Màiri: Tha e a' tighinn, ceart gu leòr.
Mòrag: Tha e a' cluich, 's dòcha.
Màiri: Chan eil, oir bha e a' ruith às mo dhèidh. Chì mi e a' tighinn a-nis.
Mòrag: 'S math sin. Seo, tha an dinnear deiseil.
Màiri: Tapadh leibh, a mhamaidh.
What’s this?
You may find the gap left in the audio for ”your” line is not long enough. Use this control to increase the delay by a set number of seconds. For example, leaving it at zero (the default) will result in the gap being the same length as the audio was in the original dialog. Setting it to ‘2’ will make the gap two seconds longer, and so on.
Extra Vocabulary
ceart gu leòr
right enough
's dòcha
perhaps / maybe
for / because
às mo dhèidh
after me
Gaelic transcript
MÒRAG: Fàilte, a Mhàiri. Chan eil Iain an seo fhathast.
MÀIRI: Tha e a' tighinn, ceart gu leòr.
MÒRAG: Tha e a' cluich, 's dòcha.
MÀIRI: Chan eil, oir bha e a' ruith às mo dhèidh. Chì mi e a' tighinn a-nis.
MÒRAG: 'S math sin. Seo, tha an dinnear deiseil.
MÀIRI: Tapadh leibh, a mhamaidh.
English transcript
MORAG: Welcome, Mairi. Iain isn't here yet.
MAIRI: He is coming, right enough.
MORAG: He's playing, perhaps.
MAIRI: He's not, because he was running after me. I see him coming now.
MORAG: That's good. Here, dinner's ready.
MAIRI: Thank you mummy.