Little by Little
Intermediate (B1) : Learn a Gaelic song
Introduction to Gaelic songs
Songs are important in Gaelic culture – many people become interested in the language as they enjoy the songs. Maybe you’ve heard a song that you have loved and that has inspired you to learn more about the language.
Programmes like Caithream Ciùil and A’ Mire ri Mòr which play Gaelic songs are extremely popular, and these will prove useful when learning Gaelic. You will also find a treasure trove of Gaelic songs on the website for Bliadhna nan Òran.
This unit aims to help you learn a Gaelic song yourself. It will take you through a popular song line-by-line, verse-by-verse and finally through the complete song.
Why not start learning ’S i Mòrag and work your way through the songs?