Organising a party
The best whisky they have
Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.
We have already come across comparisons in Episode 41 .
To say something is bigger, smaller or how it relates to another item the sentence form is tha … nas ... is used. To say that something is the biggest, smallest, best, etc the phrase generally starts with the verb is or as.
Student 1 | Uill, siud e seachad. Bu chòir dhuinn hò-rò-gheallaidh a bhith againn a-nochd. | Well, that’s it over. We should have a good shindig tonight. |
Student 2 | Aidh, am partaidh as motha agus as fheàrr a bh’ ann riamh. | Aye, the biggest and the best party that there ever was. |
Student 3 | Chan eil fhios a'm. Siud an deuchainn as miosa a bh’ agam o thàinig mi an seo. | I don’t know. That’s my worst exam since I came here. |
Student 2 | Thalla! Cha robh i cho dona ri sin! | Away! It wasn’t as bad as that. |
Student 3 | Bha. Seall seo. A’ cheist as dorra a chunnaic mi riamh. | Yes it was. Look at this. The most difficult question that I’ve ever seen. |
Student 1 | Bi sàmhach. Tha sinn saor a-nis agus bidh hò-rò-gheallaidh againn a-nochd. Tiugainn ’s thèid sinn dhan taigh-òsta feuch cò tha ann. | Be quiet. We’re free now and we’ll have a good shindig tonight. Come and we'll go to the pub and see who’s there. |
Student 2 | Thèid sinn dhan Royal. ’S e as fheàrr agus bidh a h-uile duine ann. A bheil thu a’ tighinn? | We will go to the Royal. It’s the best and everyone will be there. Are you coming? |
Student 3 | Chan eil, tapadh leat. Seo an latha as miosa de mo bheatha. Tha mi a’ dol dhachaigh. | No, thank you. This is the worst day of my life. I’m going home. |
Student 1 | Chì sinn a-nochd thu. | We’ll see you tonight. |
Student 2 | Chan fhaic. | No. |