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Dictionary Gàidhlig

Saying where you’re going

Where are you going yourself? (plural / polite)

Look out for the following pieces of vocabulary in this clip.

càit a bheil thu a’ dol? where are you going?

càit a bheil sibh a’ dol? where are you going?

ciamar a tha sibh a’ dol ann? how are you getting there?

tha mi a’ dol ann … I’m going in/by? …

carson a tha sibh a’ dol ann? why are you going there?

tha mi a’ dol … I’m going…


Video is playing in pop-over.

Female Staff Càit a bheil sibh a’ dol? Where are you going?
Man Obar Dheathain. Aberdeen.
Female Staff Obar Dheathain an seo. Aberdeen here.
Businessman Halò, Aonghais. Ciamar a tha sibh? Hello, Angus. How are you?
Angus Tha gu math. Càit a bheil sibh a’ dol? I’m well. Where are you going?
Businessman Inbhir Nis. Agus càit a bheil sibh fhèin a’ dol? Inverness. And where are you going yourself?
Aonghas Lunnainn. Uill, feumaidh mi falbh. Mar sin leibh an-dràst’. London. Well, I must go. Goodbye for now.
Businessman Mar sin leibh, ma-thà. Goodbye, then.