FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Talking about things that have happened A’ bruidhinn mu rudan a tha air tachairt

Say this Can seo

Here are the words and phrases that you have heard in this lesson.

tha i dìreach air èirigh she has just gotten up

bidh cuideigin air an dreasa a cheannach someone will have bought the dress

an dèidh dha an doras a dhùnadh after he closed the door

cha b’ àbhaist dhomhsa a bhith a’ seòladh I didn’t use to sail

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Daughter 1 Am faod sinn a dhol dhan bhùth, a mhamaidh? May we go to the shop, mummy?
Mother Faodaidh, a ghràidh. Yes, dear.
Daughter 1 Tìoraidh. Cheerio.
Mother Càit a bheil an sporan agad?
Feumaidh sibh airgead a thoirt leibh.
Where’s your purse?
You need to take money with you.
Daughter 1 Tìoraidh. Cheerio.
Daughter 1 & 2 Tìoraidh an-dràsta. Cheerio just now.
Mother Na bithibh fada a-nis. Don’t be long now.
Daughter 1 Cha bhi. We won’t.
Father A bheil thu deiseil? Are you ready?
Son Tha. Yes.
Father Am faca tu na h-iuchraichean agam? Have you seen my keys?
Son Sin iad. There they are.
Father Tapadh leat.
Tiugainn ma-thà.
Feumaidh tu seacaid no geansaidh a thoirt leat cuideachd.
Thank you.
Let’s go then.
You need to take a jacket or jumper with you too.
Son A dhadaidh, tha mi blàth gu leòr. Daddy, I’m warm enough.
Wife Seo, a ghràidh. Here, dear.
Husband Feumaidh sinn deoch a thoirt leinn cuideachd. We need to take drink with us too.
Wife Feumaidh.
Dè tha thu ag iarraidh?
What do you want?
Husband Tha sùgh ubhail anns a’ phreas. There’s apple juice in the cupboard.
Wife Sin e. There it is.