FaclairDictionary EnglishGàidhlig

Saying what you’ve done Ag innse dè rinn thu

Say this Can seo

Here are the words and phrases that you have heard in this lesson.

a bheil thu a’ dol a dh’innse dha? are you going to tell him?

tha mi a’ dol a dh’innse dhi I am going to tell her

an do dh’innis mi dhut …? did I tell you …?

dh’innis … … told

cha do dh’innis … …. did not tell

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Are you ready to practise what we have learnt?
what did you do? – dè rinn sibh?
Let’s say it together
what did you do? – dè rinn sibh?
Say it on your own
what did you do? – dè rinn sibh?
Let’s try another one
I made a cake – rinn mi cèic
Say it with me
I made a cake – rinn mi cèic
Say it on your own
I made a cake – rinn mi cèic
Let’s try another phrase
I bought a jumper – cheannaich mi geansaidh
Practise with me
I bought a jumper – cheannaich mi geansaidh
I bought a jumper – cheannaich mi geansaidh
Listen to me
I had food – ghabh mi biadh
Repeat with me
I had food – ghabh mi biadh
Your turn
I had food – ghabh mi biadh