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Dictionary Gàidhlig

using 'ri' with personal pronouns

Ri: To

We often use the preposition to with a pronoun (me, you, it), to give us phrases such as "to me” and “to you”. In Gaelic this sentence structure is different as prepositions can join with pronouns to give us a new word. They are called prepositional pronouns.

English Gàidhlig Audio
to ri <))

A few examples

RI (to) + MI (I/me) = RIUM, = to me”

RI (to) + THU (you) = RIUT, = to you”

For most prepositions there is a list of seven prepositional pronouns. Don’t worry - this sounds scarier than it actually is! Why not learn the lists like a times table? They’re used so often in conversation that you’ll have them sussed in no time. Here's the table for ri (to).

to + I / me ri + mi rium <))
to + you ri + thu riut <))
to + him / it ri + e ris <))
to + her / it ri + i rithe <))
to + us ri + sinn rinn <))
to + you (plural/polite) ri + sibh ribh <))
to + them ri + iad riutha <))


English Gàidhlig Audio
speak to them! bruidhinn riutha! <))
there was a dog with him bha cù còmhla ris <))

If you wish to use a person’s name:

English Gàidhlig Audio
speak to Katie and Hugh! bruidhinn ri Ceitidh ’s Ùisdean! <))
there was a dog with Simon bha cù còmhla ri Sìm <))